Library Rules

of educational institution “Almaty Management University”


1. PURPOSE These Rules regulate the general procedure for organizing reader services, the rights and obligations of readers, as well as the rights and obligations of library staff.

The rules apply to all students, staff, and faculty.


These Rules are based on:

- "Regulations on the library of the Educational Institution "Almaty Management University";

- internal regulatory documents of the Educational Institution "Almaty Management University".


EDD – electronic document delivery

Teaching staff – teaching staff

AlmaU Open Library is a new format of the library of the educational Institution "Almaty University Management", which is not only a university library, but also a platform for dialogue, coworking, self–realization of any resident of Almaty.

The reader is an AlmaU Open Library user who has access to all library resources.


5. Responsibility
The reader is responsible, according to clause 11 of these Rules

Library staff are responsible for:

- improper performance or non-performance of their official duties, official ethics within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulatory documents of the Educational Institution "Almaty Management University".

- offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- causing material damage within the limits defined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


6. Reader's rights
The reader has the right to:

- use library resources, including materials from collections, electronic databases, as well as computer equipment and furniture intended for readers;
- use your own computer equipment, your own memory cards and other media in the library premises;
- to receive information about the contents of the library's collections;
- receive information about the contents of electronic databases;
- receive information about new literature arrivals;
- to receive information about events, including online events organized by the library and library partners, through the library's website located at http://lib.almau.edu.kz , as well as through other means of communication;
- get advice in the search and selection of materials;
- receive materials from the library funds for use in the reading room;
- receive materials from the library funds for temporary use at home;
- receive electronic copies of materials from the library's collections through the EDD service, in accordance with the established procedure;
- participate in events organized by the library and library partners;
- contact the library staff with various requests, questions and/or suggestions.

Employees and members of the teaching staff working under short-term contracts have the right to:

- use the library's electronic databases;
- to receive materials from the library funds for use in the reading room;
- to receive materials from the library funds for temporary use at home, secured by three times the cost of the relevant materials;
- receive electronic copies of materials from the library's collections through the EDD service in accordance with the established procedure.

7. Responsibilities of the reader
The reader is obliged to:

- follow these Rules;
- when signing up for the library, read these Rules in accordance with the established procedure;
- observe silence and order in the library premises;
- maintain proper relationships with other readers and with library staff;
- take care of the materials from the library's collections, and in case of any defects, immediately inform the library staff about it;
- upon receipt of materials from the library's collections, carefully review each material and, if any defects are found, immediately inform the library staff;
- take care of the library's computer equipment, and in case of any malfunction, immediately inform the library staff about it;
- take care of the library furniture, and in case of any defects, immediately inform the library staff about it;
- return library materials on time;
- independently apply for an extension of the period of use of library materials;
- in case of loss or damage of library materials – replace them with identical and/ or equivalent materials, while the equivalence of materials is established by library staff;
- in case of impossibility of equivalent replacement of lost or damaged library materials – refund their cost three times.
- upon retirement /dismissal from the university, return all the materials listed for him/her from the library funds.

8. Rules for the use of materials from the library's collections
Materials from the library's collections are issued for the following periods:

- for students – for 1 (one) semester or 1 (one) academic year, in accordance with the curriculum and the availability of a sufficient number of copies in the library's collection;
- for evening students – only during the session;
- employees and members of the teaching staff - for 6 (six) months, with the possibility of extension, but not more than 10 (ten) titles;
- external users of AlmaU Open Library use the resources of the library on the territory of the university, remote access is possible at the request of users.


- when ordering materials from the library's collections, the reader must complete identification;
- the period of use of any material from the library's collections can be extended if there is no demand for them from other readers;
- the period of use of any material from the library's collections can be shortened if the material is in high demand by readers;
- educational materials available in insufficient quantity are issued for a period of no more than 30 (thirty) days;
- scientific materials are issued for a period of no more than 20 (twenty) days, but no more than 5 (five) titles;
- no more than 2 (two) multi-volume materials are issued at the same time volumes;
- Single-copy materials are issued only for use in the library's reading rooms.

9. Rules for the use of electronic databases of the library
The reader has the right to:

use the library's electronic databases for educational, educational and/or research purposes.


to work with the electronic databases of the library, the reader must be authorized using a personal login, password and/or other authorization data.

10. Prohibited actions
The reader is prohibited from:

- violate these Rules;
- transfer your personal username, password and/or other authorization data to third parties;
- enter the library premises in outerwear, with large bags, with food and sweet drinks;
- remove any materials from the library premises if they are not recorded in the electronic form of this reader;
- remove any computer equipment from the library premises;
- remove any furniture from the library premises;
- to damage any library property in any way, including materials from the collections, computer equipment, furniture, etc.;
- install software or updates on the library's computers yourself;
- independently configure the software on the library's computers;
- delete the software on the library's computers yourself;
- independently open/close windows in the library premises;
- independently turn on/off the lighting in the library premises;
- publish any library materials in the public domain;
- to provide access to the electronic databases of the library to persons who are not students, employees or members of the teaching staff of the Educational Institution "Almaty Management University";
- to use the library's electronic databases for commercial purposes;
- violate the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Copyright and related Rights".

11. Responsibility of the reader for violation of these Rules
The reader who violates any of the points of these Rules is responsible in accordance with the internal regulatory legal acts of the Educational Institution "Almaty Management University" in force during the relevant period of time.


- in case of late return of library materials and measures not taken to extend the period of use of library materials, the reader is limited in the right to use library materials for up to two months;
- the responsibility for damage to any library property, including materials from the collections, computer equipment and furniture, is borne by the reader who used it/them last and did not report the defect/malfunction;
- readers who systematically and/or grossly violate these Rules may be deprived of the right to use the library's resources for a period of one month or more;
- Information about systematic and/or gross violations is transmitted to the relevant departments/deaneries for consideration.


12. Rights and obligations of library staff
Library staff are required to:

- to ensure the realization of the rights of readers;
- to provide readers with access to library resources, including materials from collections, electronic databases, as well as computer equipment and furniture intended for readers;
- to provide comfortable conditions for readers in the library premises;
- provide readers with the right to use their own computer equipment, their own memory cards and other media in the library premises;
- to provide readers with information about the contents of the library's collections;
- to provide readers with information about the contents of electronic databases;
- to provide readers with information about new literature arrivals;
- to provide readers with information about events, including online events organized by the library and library partners, through the library's website http://lib.almau.edu.kz , as well as through other means of communication;
- to provide readers with advisory assistance in the search and selection of library materials;
- to provide readers with materials from the library's collections for use in the reading room;
- to provide readers with materials from the library's collections for temporary use at home;
- to provide readers with electronic copies of materials from the library's collections through the EDD service, in accordance with the established procedure;
- to carry out activities aimed at increasing readers' familiarity with all library resources, including the contents of collections and electronic databases; the contents of licensed databases available to library readers;

- the contents of open access databases; and other sources of information;
- respond to all readers' requests in a timely manner;
- to form the library fund in accordance with the profile of the educational Institution "Almaty Management University";
- to carry out accounting, storage and use of materials in the library's collections and in electronic databases;
- be responsible for the safety of materials in the library's collections and in electronic databases.

Library opening hours
The library is open to the public:

on weekdays from 8:00 to 18:00 without a break;
every Saturday from 9:00 to 18:00 without a break;
on Sunday from 10:00 to 16:00 without interruption in the AlmaU Open Library mode.

The library is closed to the public:

on public holidays;
on sanitary days.

The library notifies its users about changes in the work schedule through its website and other means of communication with readers.


 All questions you are interested in will be answered in the by e-mail lib@almau.edu.kz