AlmaU Library provides educational process and scientific research through library and information and bibliographic services to readers in accordance with their information requests based on operational access to library funds and world information resources. The information services of the library are focused on improving the quality of student education and the research potential of the University.
The AlmaU library fund consists of publications of Kazakhstani and foreign literature on economics, information systems, social and humanitarian sciences, as well as scientific and fiction. The foundation is updated annually in accordance with the educational programs of the university.
Library users are students, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers, university staff.
The library has an integrated library and information system "KABIS," which allows conducting library work in an automated mode. The library has access to the AlmaU Electronic Library, the Republican Intercollegiate Electronic Library (RMEB), IPRbooks, Web of Science, Scopus, Wiley, Cochrane, Zan, E-UNI, Science Direct, Urit, Polpred and other resources.
The library provides following information and bibliographic services:
The AlmaU Library has created conditions for users with special educational needs. Computers are equipped with special tools: an on-screen magnifying glass, headphones with a microphone, a Braille keyboard, a program for pronouncing text from the NVDA screen, books with Braille, books with an enlarged font, space for a wheelchair maneuver and additional lighting.