
Dear Readers!

Opening hours of the AlmaU Library from 8.00 to 18.00 without a break, on Saturday from 9:00 to 17:00. Sunday – work in AlmaU Open Library mode from 10:00 to 16:00.


On the eve of the new academic year and active scientific activity, the AlmaU library reminds you of the algorithm for searching (including remote) literature in the electronic catalog:

https://almau.edu.kz  → about AlmaU → library → electronic catalog → choose «ОСНОВНОЙ КНИЖНЫЙ ФОНД» (paper books) or «ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА И КАРТОТЕКА СТАТЕЙ» (electronic editions) → fill in the field «ЗАПРОС» «НАЙТИ» or follow the link https://elib.almau.edu.kz/

The Electronic Catalog will allow you to get fast and reliable access to all resources and materials of the Library from anywhere in the world via the Internet. To do this, you must enter the username and password given to you to enter the system.


We inform you about the online seminars on the topic "Library Information Resources", which will be held quarterly on the TEAMS platform at the link - https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzU2NWViOWQtNjA0Ny00Y2JkLWFlNzYtZjU3YjgzMmZiYjE4%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22d09fb5ee-0155-43c1-8afb-b5f150a30f77%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2213abdf5d-90cf-4363-9364-1c89306fe739%22%7d

Conference ID: 921 6439 4004

Access code: 103396

Participants will receive information about the methods of working with the Electronic Catalog and Electronic Library Systems, access to which is open at the University, as well as familiarize themselves with open access resources recommended by the library for use in the educational process and scientific activity.

About the exact time of each next seminar there will be a separate mailing in the public library.


Don't forget to register! Registration link - https://biblioteka-uo-almaty-mene.timepad.ru/event/1551269/


To improve the quality of service, we ask you to take a quick survey on satisfaction with the library's services: https://forms.gle/2tUEaYXXTVVk7saF7

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Requirements for the publications in the "Kazakhstani zhogary mektebi. Higher School of Kazakhstan" journal.

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You can ask any questions related to the work of the Library in our e-mail lib@almau.edu.kz

All the latest news and other interesting information are also available in our Instagram and Telegram-channel.


Your Library