The author's meeting with T.Tomasov


02.06.2024 AlmaU Open Library hosted an author's meeting with the leader of the legendary group "Овощи-фрукты", the author of the popular song "Перекресток" from the TV series of the same name, Thomas Tomasov, and a discussion of his book «В солнечном городе». The participants of the meeting had the opportunity to meet with the famous musician personally, ask him questions and be inspired by his difficult story of the road to success. Thomas Tomasov spoke about his creative path, about the sources of inspiration for writing songs, poems and short stories. He also answered questions from the audience and signed an author's copy of the book for the AlmaU library. The event received excellent reviews from the guests of AlmaU Open Library. No one wanted to go home, and several ideas for collaborations and topics for the next creative meetings were born at the meeting. The famous musician presented autographed copies of the book to the most active participants.