Free full access to the EBSCO host scientific database

Dear readers!


In connection with the transition of most educational institutions to distance learning EBSCOInformationServices, together with the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provides free access to all 17 universities and institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan to 17 full-text scientific databases.

This list includes multidisciplinary and highly specialized databases, as well as collections of e-books, news feeds and much more.

Free access for an unlimited number of simultaneous users will be organized by the link:


For remote access, you must use the username and password:







In addition, EBSCO has prepared training webinars for you on different days and at different times so that it is as convenient as possible for you.

The topic of the webinar: “Search for information in the process of training, research and preparation of articles for publication. How to get the best results. "

To participate in the webinar, you must register.

April 27 15.00 (Nursultan time) https://ebsco-russian.webex.com/ebsco-russian/j.php?RGID=r4fb7ef8adb7c54616b587cbca79b63aa

April 30 13.00 (Nursultan Time) https://ebsco-russian.webex.com/ebsco-russian/j.php?RGID=r5848e62c14ba7a1127e28c6f6d116aaf

Follow the link opposite the date and time of interest. Enter the first name, last name, email address and organization you represent. The remaining fields can be left blank. You will receive a registration notification in the mail and a link to the webinar itself.